In previous examples you have been introduced to the combining forms gastr/o (stomach), hemat/o (blood), and cardi/o (heart). This section of the chapter presents a list of additional combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes, with examples of medical words using those word parts. (Similar lists are included for each chapter
in the book.) Write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided. Then check the correct pronunciation for each term with the Pronunciation of Terms list on pages 27 to 30. The Evolve website for The Language of Medicine contains definitions and audio pronunciations for each term. Use it! Most medical terms are derived from Greek and Latin roots. Greek, Roman, and Arabic physicians had developed medically useful concepts and associated vocabularies long before the 21st century. Greek and Latin derivations for medical terms are presented for your interest on the Evolve website.
1 Basic Word Structure
2 Terms Pertaining to the Body as a Whole
3 Suffixes
4 Prefixes
5 Digestive System
6 Additional Suffixes and Digestive System Terminology
7 Urinary System
8 Female Reproductive System
9 Male Reproductive System
10 Nervous System
11 Cardiovascular System
12 Respiratory System
13 Blood System
14 Lymphatic and Immune Systems
15 Musculoskeletal System
16 Skin
17 Sense Organs: The Eye and the Ear
18 Endocrine System
19 Cancer Medicine (Oncology)
20 Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
21 Pharmacology
22 Psychiatry
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